4 things I’ve learned in 40 years

embracing 40 forty

Why 4? Because 4+0=4 and I like the rule I made up for 39 last year

  1. I’m not old, just older. I see old as a choice, a state of mind, a perspective. I’d rather be embracing my age at every moment because one day I’ll look back and think – daaamn I looked so young and good at 40! So why not feel young and appreciate my mind and body now? (Also, glad we age over time and not overnight – I’m hoping it gives me time to accept and adapt to allll the physical and mental changes.

  2. If I want something new, I have to do something new – it won’t magically happen. So this past year I went after it – in the form of paddleboarding, meditating, a yoga certification, this website, relationship dynamics, and other “I did it!” moments. Turns out, pushing myself to evolve mentally and physically made me feel more fully utilized and more in tune with myself than I have in a long time. 

  3. Sensitivity is my superpower. Sensitive skin, sensitive gut, sensitive soul – ah, the journey of a fair-skinned redhead. I used to think all of these things were setbacks in my life. But at 40… I’m grateful I wore extra sunscreen as a teen to keep my skin in tact; and paid attention to my gut to clean up my health; and started taking care of my mind and mental health. Bonus: I realized that my sensitivity provides me with an awareness of those around me – it’s a huge benefit in business, relationships and throughout life. 

  4. Life was meant to be lived. If there’s ever a choice between time and money, I’ll choose time. In my mind, I don’t see the point in working my buns off to exhaustion now (and losing time and quality of life) just to have more time later in life. I’d rather enjoy my life in as many moments and phases as possible.

I’m already curious to see what’s on this list next year. Guess I better do something cool this year.


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