
Below is a list of things that have helped make my body and mind a more enjoyable place to be.

For full transparency, if any of the below are affiliate links they will always be marked with an asterisk. And trust me, nothing is sneaking on this list that I don’t personally use.

Curious about a product or topic?

Let me know! I’m a sucker for researching and your curiosity may add a new resource to the list, or even a new blog on the topic.

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  • iBreathe app – The “gateway drug” of apps for meditation. Just start with a simple minute of breathing and notice the difference. (Warning: the instant release may be addicting.)

  • Timefully app – Quick and dirty app to get straight to the meditation. No overwhelming options and features, just a timer and a tracker. You can also watch your tiny tree grow as you keep track of your progress!

  • Insight Timer app – I use the free version for the timer and love it. Also, it has lots of background noise / music options and plenty of guided meditations to help you get into it.

  • Organic yoga meditation pillow – I look forward to daily sessions with my comfy and supportive new favorite buddy. Plus, it has an eco-friendly organic cotton (washable!) cover and natural buckwheat filling.

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