What’s a health coach and why I’m stoked to become one

Week one down – my Health and Wellness Coach certification adventure has officially begun!

This past week was the first of a 20-week program through MindBodyGreen. We dove into the details on what a health coach is and covered some of the history of health coaching. Also, I finally got to acknowledge a little voice in my head that’s been begging to pursue something in health and wellness for decades. 

What’s a Health and Wellness Coach? 

A health coach is a professional dedicated to helping you achieve your health and wellness goals. They provide non-judgemental support and motivation to help you overcome obstacles, develop healthy habits and make sustainable lifestyle changes. 

Think of them as the optimistic person in the passenger seat of your car on your journey to better health. They’re there to empower and encourage you to take the road that deep down you know is best for you. A health coach also makes sure you remain the driver of your own journey – learning and utilizing how to tap into your own inherent wisdom.

Our intuition is more awesome, inspiring and wise than we think.  

Health coaches are not nutritionists or dieticians, so they can’t prescribe medicines, order blood work, or create a meal program for you. But, they can help you find ways to implement and make sense of all the information you’ve received from a medical professional.

With the right health coach in your pocket, you’ll no longer be leaving the doc’s office going:

“Ok, I have a massive list of things I need to do, but how? This is overhwelming.” 

Or, sitting at home thinking:

“I want to change this pattern in my life so badly, but I have no idea where to begin. I could really use some guidance and support.”

Once you’ve found your health coach, you’re on your way to improving your habits and behaviors and enjoying a healthier and more fulfilling life. 

A little history of Health and Wellness Coaching 

In 2010, Karen Lawson and Margaret Moore recognized some gaps in the healthcare system. With 70% of healthcare costs attributed to lifestyle-related diseases, they saw an opportunity to shift the healthcare industry from dependency to empowerment.

They wanted individuals to have the support they needed to take an active role in their health and well-being and improve their sense of autonomy in the process. 

In 2012, they created the foundation for what would become the National Board of Health & Wellness Coaches (NBHWC, where I will get my certification from in 2024). This organization paved the way for an industry of certified and trained professionals to help make people’s health and lifestyle goals finally come to fruition. 

Week one: It’s on now!

Since I was a preteen, I’ve been fascinated with health and wellness. I vividly remember being sprawled on my bedroom floor tearing pages from Women’s Health, Shape and Self magazines and compiling the torn content into a categorized binder for future reference. 

I liked the idea that we had the capability to make ourselves happier by being curious and experimenting with how we fueled and moved our bodies – and still do.

(This was years before I also realized the power of our mindset too.)

When it came time to choose a college degree, I debated pursuing nutrition but chose graphic design instead. I’m grateful I did – not only was it the right decision at the time, but it led to an amazing graphic design business. I love the clients, projects and life I’ve cultivated over the last 17 years and I’m thrilled to continue growing that business.

However, a little voice in my head didn’t get the memo that I’d chosen a degree and a career path. Plus, a slew of health and mindset challenges that continue to evolve even in my 40s has only grown my curiosity around health and wellbeing.

My passion for this topic refuses to take a backseat any longer. This past year that wise voice grabbed a giant megaphone to make sure I heard it’s latest idea:

Why not do both, be a designer and a health coach?

To have completed my first week of an official certification for something in the health and wellness industry feels surreal. That little voice is dancing around in my head with confetti and chocolate. 

It feels like I’ve finally acknowledged a part of myself that’s been eagerly wanting to help others – and fully live this passion. 

Every time my instructors talked about what a health coach is this past week, or the impact a coach could potentially have on future clients, I could feel my heart and soul singing “this is where you’re meant to be.” 

I’m stoked and honestly kinda flabbergasted – I'm finally doing it. I can’t wait to see where this adventure goes.

This blog touches on just a portion of all the positive impacts of working with a health coach. As I progress through this certification, I’ll be writing more about the endless transformative and life changing benefits and sharing lots of tips.

Have you ever considered using a health coach to help reach your goals? Or is this the first you’ve heard of the industry?

Or, I’d also love to know – is there a secret passion of yours you’d love to pursue one day?


Collagen – yes, it’s worth it