Bloody noses and all – it’s still progress

My nose was bleeding.

I was floating next to a surfboard in the pacific ocean off the coast of Australia – and I’d just been informed sharks hang out around the corner.

Yet, I was stoked.

I’d just eaten it trying to catch a wave bigger than I was ready for. (The board did a buoyant nose dive then rebounded up into the sky and onto my face.)*

Slightly bruised, but still standing – or at least floating.

And proud of the risk I’d just taken.

“Nothing ventured, nothing gained” – something my Dad repeated (like, a LOT) to me growing up.

(Google says the phrase has been around since at least the 16th century, but in my head it's my Dad's voice.)

Apparently, it stuck and I appreciate it now – sans eye roll.

If we’re venturing – growing, expanding, learning, pushing, trying – especially when success isn’t guaranteed, that’s forward motion in my book.

Plus, nothing changes if nothing changes – so at some point, we have to at least stumble through the doing, not just keep passively thinking.

I’m not big on resolutions or goals, but there was a mystical energy of possibility on January 1st.

So here's a thought for 2023 – lean in.

Lean in to the challenge, the risks, the scary shit.

And especially, lean in to all the picturesque, wonderful and beautiful moments.

If we crash in the process, at least we're crashing forward.

Here’s to 2023 – may we give ourselves grace in the mistakes and have curiosity in the missteps.

Bloody noses and all.

Share with me in the comments – what are you thinking (or not thinking!) for 2023?
I love that everyone can have their own take on New Year's. You can make a triumphant resolution or make it just another Sunday – up to you.

*If you’ve been on my newsletter list for a minute, this is actually the rest of the surf competition story from my May 2022 email. I still consider the nose bump a happy ending.


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