What's filling your mind?

Mine is all lions and weasels… oh my!

12 minutes? You can’t be serious. That’s a LONG time.

My first thought after hearing how long our meditations would last during the first weekend of my 200-hour Yoga and Meditation Teacher Training.

Yes, I wanted to meditate more – but I also had A LOT of doubts and felt super intimidated.

Plus, up till that day in October, two minutes had been my max.

100 days later… and 12 minutes is my minimum.

After months of practicing, here's what I’ve noticed:

My thoughts used to be lions. Physically powerful beasts that would take over my mind.

Worries, concerns, fears, anxieties – constantly roaring in my face.

Lately, they’re more like scurrying little weasels.

Much smaller, less scary, still somewhat of a pest, but I can physically handle them.

And they’re way easier to toss aside and detach myself from – and not give them the power or royalty they act like they deserve.

(Seriously, imagine a face off – would you rather be facing a weasel or lion?)

And bonus: Weasels take up less space.

New, hopeful, exciting thoughts are filling my mind instead.

If I’m making space for dreams instead of worries…
seeing thoughts as weasels instead of lions…
learning to focus on the flow of my breath...
and appreciating the here and now...

Let’s just say I’m excited for where this journey will take me next.

No pressure from me though – I’ll be the last person to say “Do it! Don’t wait! You’re missing out!

(So annoying.)

Plus, it sucks being forced or feeling like you have to do something.

We all have to find our own way in our own time… in our own style.

But if you do decide to try – I’d love to hear how it goes.

Or, if you already have, what insights have come up? How’s it going for you?

And if you need any back up weasels to help overcome the lions, I’m here for ya.

A few resources / What’s helped me:

iBreathe app – The “gateway drug” of apps for meditation. Just start with a simple minute of breathing and notice the difference. (Warning: the instant release may be addicting.)

Timefully app – Quick and dirty app to get straight to the meditation. No overwhelming options and features, just a timer and a tracker. You can also watch your tiny tree grow as you keep track of your progress!

Insight Timer app – I use the free version for the timer and love it. Also, it has lots of background noise / music options and plenty of guided meditations to help you get into it.

Organic yoga meditation pillow – I look forward to daily sessions with my comfy and supportive new favorite buddy. Plus, it has an eco-friendly organic cotton (washable!) cover and natural buckwheat filling.


How I decipher food packaging and labels


Bloody noses and all – it’s still progress